Yes, St John the Baptist is a member of CHCT.
Taking part: Yes
Church building will be Open
Toilet?: Yes
Things to note: As well as the regular Saturday morning cafe, serving tea, coffee and cakes from 10-12, on 14th-15th September we are also open for the Heritage Weekend with events for all. There will be Evening Prayer (said) in the Lady Chapel at 1730. The building is wheelchair accessible and with two accessible toilets. There will be Tai Chi from 1230-1330. The Local History Society, The Youth Parliament, and a speaker on the Victorian remodelling of the building will be present at various times during the day, plus other features. We have a Book-Nook selling reasonably-priced secondhand books in many genres for all ages. Several bike racks are situated outside the church. Dogs are welcome.
No grants applied for.
Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust is a registered charity, number 287486.