Celebrating and Supporting
Historic Churches
in Cambridgeshire
Details of our Annual Conference
Belief, Liturgy and Structure
Saturday 5 April 2024
Wolfson College, Cambridge
We are pleased to announce details of our conference, which as usual we hope will be of interest to our members and others and will enhance their knowledge and understanding of church buildings in our county and elsewhere.
Ride and Stride 2024

Thank you to all those who took part in our Ride+Stride event in 2024. Over £21,000 was raised,
half of which has been given to the participating churches.
Ride+Stride 2025 will take place on Saturday 13 September – please make a note in your diaries. All
documents and reminders will be sent out well ahead of time.
We give Grants for repair and restoration
Featured Project: Soham St Andrew

Please leave CHCT a gift in your will
Cambridgeshire has more than 300 churches and chapels of historic and architectural interest. They span over a thousand years from the Saxon period at Great Paxton to the High Victorian at Waresley and the 20th century at the Good Shepherd, Arbury. The care of church buildings is the responsibility of the local community, which carries the burdens of continuous maintenance and the raising of funds for repair.