St. Andrews is a late 14th century architectural masterpiece. Built by Bishops Barnet and Arundel of Ely, their coats of arms may decorate the vault of the south porch. Sutton is dominated by the 4 stage Perpendicular tower culminating in a double octagon belfry reminiscent of Ely Cathedral. The embattled south façade is faced with fine Barnack limestone punctuated by a two storey stone porch.
Both the chancel and nave are linked with blank arcading around the tall Decorated windows. The internal arcade is made up of tall lozenge shaped piers producing the illusion of great height. The south aisle is dominated by an unusual Decorated piscina with a large niche above containing a badly damaged statue of the Virgin. Again there may be a strong Ely influence with ogee arches referencing the Lady Chapel.
Cambridgeshire Historic Churches Trust is a registered charity, number 287486.