Setting up online giving

Online Giving is a great opportunity to expand the number of people who might sponsor your Ride and Stride efforts.

There are many platforms available and you might have heard of Just Giving. Our chosen partner is Goodhub [formerly InvestMyCommunity} who offers great facilities and very competitive fees.

Watch our walk-through video

A step-by-step guide

  • Things to get ready:
    A landscape image you might like to use
    Some text describing why you are raising money
    Some extra images for a gallery [optional]
    A video uploaded to YouTube [optional]

  • Go to our page on Goodhub, formerly InvestMyCommunity [our fundraising partner]

  • Click 'Start Fundraising' button on top left

  • Choice 'Rise Funds for US!'

  • Enter your email address and set up an account.

  • Add extra details to your page including an image and a description

  • Check and submit the page when you are ready

  • Share with your friends and family and even some strangers and start raising funds.